Think Ahead is a new route into social work for graduates and career-changers remarkable enough to make a real difference to people with mental health problems.
On the two-year programme, you are paid to work in an expert team alongside clinical professions, study for a master’s degree and develop your leadership skills.
Mental health social workers empower people with mental illness to live fulfilling, independent lives. As a social worker in community mental health services you will build relationships with people, provide guidance and therapy, arrange support and care, ensure people’s safety, stand up for people’s rights and improve community services.
Three different UCL graduates have so far joined the Think Ahead programme. Deborah, who studied human science at UCL, initially worked in science communication, but then switched to our social work trainee programme. She said, “I really enjoy learning about people’s stories, being someone that they can talk to who can offer that kind of support in an emotional, but also practical way”.
Think Ahead also runs three-week internships each summer in our London office, which are paid at the London living wage. Previous interns have got experience of event planning and developing our brand on campus.
Think Ahead is looking for exceptional individuals who have the potential to become excellent mental health social workers, and go on to become leaders in their fields. We are looking for people who can demonstrate seven specific attributes and skills: leadership, motivation for mental health social work, adaptability, relationship-building skills, communication, problem-solving and self-awareness. We encourage applicants to demonstrate how experience they have gained through their degree and through voluntary and paid work matches our seven attributes.
Applications for our 2018 programme will close on 1 February. You can find further information at